· By Mary Ware
COVID-19 Update: We Are In This Together.
Life as we know it, has been entirely disrupted, and in some cases, it feels like things have come to a screeching halt. While this may be a period of unprecedented circumstances, it is not one we are completely unprepared to manage:
Together...but 6ft Apart. #SocialDistancing
Are You Still Open?
=Yes.. But Online Only
We are taking extra precautions to protect you, our teammates and the communities we serve.
In Light of the ever-changing developments, our Houston storefront will no longer be open for walk-in purchasing.
We recommend all purchases should be ordered online or by phone at 1-877-845-1335. Our hours are Monday-Friday, 9-5.
If our city government proposes any temporary closures, we will issue a notice through our website & social media channels.
Oh No… How Do I keep in Touch?
Yes, We are still readily available to connect with you..
Our customer service is still very active.
We still want to keep in touch with you so come hang out with us on any of our social platforms for good vibes.
Feel free to connect with us via:

It is our pleasure to serve you, even a-times like this and we thank you for being a valued customer.
Minimo Deliveries are being shipped with normal processing time. We are expecting delivery of the makeup bags & scrubbies soon. We have taken additional measures to over-stock many items to prevent inventory complications in the future.
If my city is under shelter in place, lockdown or quarantine, will I still get my order?
We’ve been in close contact with our shipping providers. Postal service is considered an “essential” service, but they may be operating short-staffed. We suggest choosing FedEx as the shipping option of choice during checkout. We are unable to guarantee delivery times, but orders are still being processed within 1-2 days.
If the Houston area is put under shelter in place, we will notify our customers immediately.
How Do I Cope?
In light of this ongoing, here's a few way to cope during this time;
-Wash/ Sanitize hands often.
-Cough into your elbows.
-Avoid touching your face.
-Social distance yourself from crowded places and stay 3- 6ft apart
-Feeling sick? Stay home.
We're going to be okay and pull through this.
Every generation has its great battle & this is ours.
We still have a future and a hope, for ourselves & for our families, friends, & loved ones.
It's going to take work & creativity, but we...HUMANITY... are well equipped to take on the challenge