· By Praise T.
Skin Purging: The Good, the Bad, the Ugh!
So...you decided to switch to a natural skincare routine. Everything is going fine, until your skin starts doing something weird: low-key breaking out.
Many people don't know what or why this is, but thankfully #TeamMinimo is here to break it down for ya!
Skin Purging: The Good, the Bad, the Ugh!
A hot topic when dealing with struggling skin is the idea of skin purging. If you’ve ever found your skin freaking out after getting a facial or switching to new products, you may have experienced this common but nevertheless frustrating phenomenon.
Although there are a lot of reasons skin purging can occur, one of the most common is switching to a new routine. In particular, natural products can sometimes require an adjustment period because your skin is trying to rid itself of old debris and unhealthy skin cells that may have accumulated previously.
The dreaded skin purging can happen when you introduce something new to your regular skincare routine. Even ingredients like retinol are well known skin-purge culprits. New ingredients, which can do wonders for the skin, can increase skin cell turnover. As cells are "turned" or are replaced by healthier cells, the skin can become clogged by the increase of oil and debris. Next thing you know, you're having a come-to Jesus meeting in the mirror trying to figure out what has gone wrong!
TIP: Check out this blog to determine the differences between regular breakouts and purging skin + What to do Next.
3 Telltale Signs You’re Experiencing Skin Purging
Sign #1: Breakouts
Because natural products tend to better moisturize your skin and accelerate turnover in your epidermis, more accumulated buildup is making its way to the surface at a much quicker rate than you may be used to. While this may seem like bad news in the short term, it’s actually good news in the long term because it means your skin is working hard to detoxify and heal itself.
Sign #2: Excess Oiliness
Another common reaction to switching up products is that your skin may initially become more oily. Extra oil production is often the result of a skin microbiome that has become too stripped and is lacking in natural fatty acids. In the simplest terms, your skin is trying to compensate and moisturize itself by making more sebum. Once the skin adjusts to being more consistently hydrated, this will start to subside.
Sign #3: Dry Patches
If you have been overusing products that are more active, such as those with alpha-hydroxy or beta-hydroxy acids, your skin’s protective barrier and proper pH levels can become compromised and your skin can become less able to absorb or retain moisture. When this happens the adjustment period looks less like a breakout and more like a dry, scaly texture on the skin’s surface. This too will require some time to resolve, so that the skin can repair and rebuild itself.
Tips for Getting Through the Purging Process
Tip #1: Know that it’s a normal, natural and temporary
While it’s true that the skin’s purging period may get worse before it gets better, some good news is that unlike a regular breakout, it will eventually get better. In fact, most reactive activity should clear up in 4-8 weeks or even less, unlike acne which can linger for months at a time.
Tip #2: Resist the urge to pick or pop
The temptation to mess with whiteheads and pimples may be real, but what is also reality is the fact that doing so won’t help anything. In fact, picking or popping will only make matters worse by spreading bacteria, increasing inflammation and irritation, or even causing permanent damage. Instead, consider using a cold tool or some ice to calm your skin, and stay hands off.
Tip #3: Try adding a toner to your routine
While it’s best to let a purging episode run its course and not alter your protocol too much, one product that can really help is a good toner. Because toners provide hydration and promote better pH balance, while also removing any excess residue, they can be the perfect addition–and a game changer–for struggling skin.
Our Product Picks:
- Minimo Rose Soothing Flare Control Toner - For those dry patches or inflamed breakouts, we recommend reaching for a soothing toner like this one to help calm the skin and keep it clean. Minimo Rose Soothing Flare Control Toner makes a great option thanks to a host of nourishing natural ingredients like rosewater, willowbark, and oat protein.
- Minimo Balance Skin Brightening Toner - If you are experiencing oiliness or breakouts, this balancing toner is a great option to keep on hand. It provides purifying, cleansing and light exfoliation all in one step, and can help to gently re-calibrate your skin without overstripping or aggravating existing breakout activity.
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